I love that Coach names all my workouts. Today's was called "Hard, Harder, Hardest." Since my Garmin can't use that many characters I called mine HardHarderYuck. He he he! The workout called for intervals at half marathon pace, 10K pace, and 5K pace at differing time segments. And I wasn't allowed to use a heart rate monitor or Garmin. I had to keep track of the intervals somehow so I did use my Garmin but I used a lovely green sticker to keep from peeking at the paces:
Honestly, I didn't think this run was going to go real well. I've been fighting this stupid cold for a week. Just when I thought it was better it turned into a sinus infection. Ugh! But, I was feeling well enough to give this workout a try. Surprisingly, I think the workout felt good and hard but nothing I couldn't handle. And shockingly, my paces were WAY better than I expected pulling in a half marathon pace interval at 7:09, a 10K pace interval at 6:58, and a 5K pace interval at 6:51.
A year ago if you told me I would regularly be running sub-7:00s I would have told you, you were crazy. But something's changed not only physically but mentally. It's not expectation to run that fast and to be confident in it. I'm excited to see how it all pulls together. There's an "A" race on the schedule in less than two weeks.
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