Monday, August 12, 2024

Let Me (Re)Introduce Myself

Confession.  It's been 5 years since I've lined up for a race. 

Hi, I'm Meredith.  I started this blog about a million years ago as a way to document my running and racing adventures.  And there were lots of adventures.  I've run 23 marathons, including Boston five times.  I've done lots of triathlons, including four 70.3s.  I tried and painfully failed at the full iron distance.  I've dipped my toes into ultras completing a 50K, 60K, and 50 miler.  And I've had some fun with friends traveling the country for races.

2019 was the last time I toed a line, though.  The pandemic has thrown me into a vortex I seem to be stuck in.  At first things were adventurous.  I ran a personal 5K, 10K, and half marathon in one month.  I ran every road in my hometown.  I chased after Strava segments.  Eventually I grew tired, stopped racing, started eating and drinking myself to a 40+ pound weight gain.  There have been a few highlights.  I joined Orange Theory for a year.  It was fun but I didn't feel like I was getting fit.  And last summer I joined a weight lifting program that I absolutely love and still do.  

On my 46th birthday this year, I felt like time was starting to run short.  In my head, I feel like I have three goals left to accomplish - beating my dad's PR in the marathon (3:21:21), finishing the freakin' Ironman, and running a 100 miler.  My friend Amanda agreed to take on my head case and help coach me.  We've decided to have some fun in the next year on the way to accomplishing a 100 miler.

So, I guess I'm going to restart the blog.  I'm too old to use TikTok, I have an iPhone so out of date I'm surprised it still gets updates, and I don't know how to make a Reel, so the blog it has to be.  I'll be updating on my training, my adventures, my weight lifting, my mental health, and generally whatever.  Welcome back and I hope you come along for the ride!

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