Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Confession

I have a confession to make. I don't like myself very much. I never really have. I am my own worst critic. Anytime someone compliments me, I think they are lying to not hurt my feelings. I use competition as a way to be better and self-validate, but it usually leaves me feeling empty.

Recently I stumbled across a blog that I found intriguing because it contained a link to this. This woman is participating in an art project of 365 self-portraits. I thought this art project might be a good thing for me to do to maybe explore myself. Find out what I like and don't like about myself.

So, check it out. You can find the pictures here, and I'll also post it in my blogroll on the right side.


Andrea said...

Day1 is a beautiful pic!

Meredith said...

Thank you.

Nic said...

I am my own worst critic, too, and I'm also working on lettin go a bit. I think this project is going to be great for you, and I look forward to reading more. Good luck exploring...