Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How to Wash Your Running Clothes

After much trial and error I have finally figured out how to wash my running clothes and get the stink out of them.  Silly, I know, but they get stinky and good running clothes are expensive so you've got to make them last.  I have tried every detergent known to man, including those fancy ones for workout clothes (made me break out), but finally Google gave me the answer.

First I soak the clothes in cold water with some cleaning vinegar.  I usually do this for about 30 minutes unless I forget about setting a timer and forget I'm doing laundry (pretty typical) and then they may be in there for who knows how long.  Then, after draining the washing machine, I wash them in warm water using Arm & Hammer baking soda detergent.  Although the embedded yucky smell may not come fully out it's sooooo much better than it was. 

And because a blog post without pictures is just plain boring I give you this...

My kid is sick for the third time in 7 weeks.  Again!  Daycare is kicking our ass.  We just cannot keep him (or us) healthy.


middleagedrunner said...

I haven't yet tried the Arm & Hammer detergent, I'm going to pick some up ASAP. (I HAVE tried everything else though, and agree that vinegar is better than *fancy* sports detergents.)

Val said...

Oh my gosh, he is so cute. And yay for basics like vinegar and Arm & Hammer, haha! =) Love you, babe!

Carina said...

Like white vinegar? I'll have to try!