Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday Thoughts

Welcome to Thursday Thoughts, the back to school edition. My niece heads to her first day of kindergarten tomorrow and I head back to college in 4 weeks.

If you were heading back to school now or if your child is heading back to school, what's the one school supply that you desperately have to have?


Meredith said...

This one's easy for me. The one class I'm taking this fall is a digital photography class. So obviously, I would need my digital SLR. However, I would really like to get a full edition of Photoshop to go along with that. I've got some plans in the works!

Dave said...

Definitely a trapper keeper. And a clic eraser.

Unknown said...

as a student, you should be able to get discount pricing on the software. check at the school bookstore!

but for me? i need my peechee folders. those things were a staple of the high school experience. it's where all art beings!

Meredith said...

I didn't think about student discounts. Good call, Jeff.

Anonymous said...

I second the trapper keeper!

I can't make this stuff up said...

Hi! You don't know me but I found your blog through other runner's blogs I frequent. I have a running question for you: I would LOVE to run this 18 mile race on October 7, and I have been running about 25-30 miles a week. I recently ran 9 miles and I felt very strong. Do you think if I kept building my long runs, I'll be able to run the 18-miler by then?

If you prefer, you can e-mail me at

Thanks for your help/advice/time!

Meredith said...

Excellent question, Liz. I'll be sending you an e-mail very shortly.