Thursday, March 04, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

It's my own fault.

For Lent I decided to give up the alcohol. I really love my vino and my margaritas, but I should really be concentrating on my training. The last couple of days, or what seems like weeks, has been emotionally and physically draining. By yesterday I was going crazy and NEEDED a margarita. And I got one. What I've noticed as I've gotten older, however, is that although I enjoy wine and margaritas, anymore they make me sick. Not barfing sick. Sick as in no matter if I drink a little or a lot, I always wake up with a headache. And today was no exception. So, maybe I need to go back to no wine and margaritas.

What have you noticed as you've aged (like a fine wine) that you can no longer do or have?


ADC said...

Discipline. I do not have self-discipline as far as sweets are concerned.

Judi said...

yea, sweets are bad for me. when you give up all vices, sweets seem ok. i can justify it in my head. you know?

GetBackJoJo said...

I have the same problem with alcohol.
I also need more sleep than I used to.
I also need a bra that makes me look like my boobs are still full, and not saggy, old lady breasts!

Unknown said...

well, since i started endurance sports, i've noticed i have no tolerance for alcohol. one beer and i'm feeling it [granted, when i do drink, it's something dark and by the pint].

what i have noticed, though, is that i'm much better at getting up early in the morning. i wake up before the alarm almost every morning around 4am ready to run.

Karen said...

Sweets. Big time. A margarita still sounds pretty good though :)

Unknown said...

I have gotten really bad about sweets. I used to be bad about eating ice cream, and then went through a phase were I was great about not eating it, and I am back to eating it again, but I have to work out way harder to maintain doing that. I also can't stay up nearly as late as I could before and still function the same as I used to.

Liz Waterstraat said...

As a Catholic, I am pretty sure JC is ok with alcohol considering it is served weekly at mass. Don't beat yourself up.

mjcaron said...

Oh shoot. There are two Melissa C's. Well, I guess my blogger Id will keep us different.

Hmm. I rely more on my wine as a grow older. I love it more and more. It's like my best friend. Pretty sad, I know.


I can no longer stay up past 10:30pm... But I still LOVE me some vino.