Monday, July 04, 2011

You've Got to Want It

It's July now. Midway through the summer, which means, midway through triathlon season, which means we're getting ever closer to THE BIG ONE!!! The training days are getting long. The miles are accumulating by the day. Last year at this time I was not only scared of what lay ahead, I was suffering. I didn't want to swimbikeruneastsleep. I just wanted it to be over. This seems to be a common theme with other iron triathletes. But for me, something's different this year.

I have never wanted this more.

Last year I was consumed with thoughts of the finish--what it was going to be like, would I cry, would I remember everything about it. Sure, I'm still thinking about the finish this year, but I'm also thinking about everything else in between. I am practicing specifically for this race. Every stroke, every step, every gel eaten, every ounce of sports drink consumed is going toward this race. I think about pacing and speed and electrolytes and heart rate and who I want to beat. I'm finding this year that it's so much easier getting through the long hours being completely focused on one task.

Right now I am fully focused and ready to go. With ironman you've got to want it. And I want it badly. See you at the start line.


Jamie said...

L-O-V-E it.

Just a LITTLE bit different mindset than last year, eh?

Kiersten said...

Way to go!!!!!! Sounds like you want it bad :)