Saturday, August 29, 2015

All Clear

A broken femur.  A partially torn hip labrum.  Twelve weeks of no running.  Six weeks of physical therapy.  And six pounds gained.  I have finally, FINALLY been cleared to resume training. 

I am so happy!!!

I am allowed to return to training with a few caveats.  No more than five days of running each week.  Keep up with all my strength routines.  Do not build speed and mileage at the same time.  BE CAREFUL!

Monday it all starts.  I have five weeks until a race I'd like to focus on.  Will I be back to where I was?  Absolutely not, but hopefully enough that I can be happy about my race and experience.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

Okay, a little bragging.

This week I went grocery shopping, with my 2 year old FTW, and bought a week's worth of food for our family for right around $100.  I used $44 in coupons!  This included meat (ground turkey, steak, and chicken breasts), lots of produce (berries, veggies, etc.), and even diapers.  I totally won this shopping trip.

So, what's your secret for saving money?  Groceries?  Race entries?  Home improvements?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Feeling the Itch

I've been back to "training" for about three weeks now and I'm already feeling the itch to race.  Sure, right now I can only run 10 minute/miles as prescribed by the doctor but give me another month and that could change.  Right?  RIGHT?  Tentatively I have two races I'm thinking about: one in October and one in November. 

Is this a dumb idea?  Does my hip need further rehab?  Am I going to be disappointed because I won't be able to race like I used to?

I better decide fast.  One is out of state and requires plane tickets and hotel reservations as well as signing up for the race.

Decisions, decisions!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

This topic might be way too much TMI, but a running blog would not be a running blog without a little too much TMI.

Running underwear.  Let's do it.

I am an underwear girl.  I like my undies big, granny-like, cotton, and I could care less about lines under my clothing.  I don't own a thong.  I do, ALWAYS, wear underwear when I run.  I don't get chafed from underwear, but I tend to get chafed in the ol' butt crack when I run long from sweat or water getting all over me or just my big booty rubbing against itself for hours on end.

Too much TMI yet?

I've been reading all over the internet about running underwear.  Prices.  Sizes.  Materials.  Is it worth it.  And you know what I've found out?  I don't think many people wear underwear while running.  Well, good for you all, this isn't going to happen for me.  Although I wear shorts with liners, those liners don't fit like underwear.  And I've already established I'm an underwear girl.

So I'm asking...are you an underwearer or not?  If yes, do you wear the fancy running stuff?  Worth it or I'm still gonna get crack chafing anyway?

Go to town, America.  I can't wait to hear what you have to say.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

I was walking/jogging a week ago while pushing the stroller and this random dude, slowed up his car on the other side of the road and yelled out, "NICE LEGS!" 

Um, thanks?!

I was a little creeped out but at least it was a good compliment and not something totally inappropriate or rude.

What's the weirdest thing that's happened to you while running?  What's the weirdest compliment you received?

Speaking of weird compliments....

I was picking up dinner the other night.  I got weak and ordered Chinese.  Ugh, I hate myself.  Anyway, at our previous home we would order Chinese quite often.  It was good; it was right across the street; I was skinny.  While I waited on my food my favorite ladies and I were shooting the breeze.  The asked about Dave, about the baby, about the new home.  And then in the weirdest backhanded compliment one of them told me I looked better now because I had gained weight. 

Um, thanks?!

Well, personally, I want to be lean and fit and skinny.  But I love your food so I'll take the "compliment".

Friday, August 07, 2015

Foto Friday

Here we go!

Day #61 - A video!  I mean, how cute is this?

 Day #62 - Anderson actually asked to get his picture taken today.  This is what we got.

 #63 - Little buns doing my physical therapy Steamboats.

 Day #64 - Anderson kept asking to play soccer out in the yard.  How does he even know about soccer?  We never talk about soccer!

Day #65 - Riding bikes with the neighbor girl.  Where's your helmet, son?!

 Day #66 - Excavator + Wendy's = One Happy Boy!

 Day #67 - Grilled cheese and gang signs?

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Mixing it Up

I work with a lot of young (and I mean YOUNG - I'm old enough to be their mother), health and fitness kiddos at the Y.  Most of them are current or former swimmers although some have done other sports.  One of them is a former division II wrestling stud.  They talk a lot about workouts and especially what they eat in during their days.  They eat so healthy!  I eat so unhealthy.  :(

But, I've got some weight to lose and running is starting to come into focus so I figured now is the right time to get, at least, somewhat serious about it.  I bought a MagicBullet.

Why?  I don't know.  I guess juicing and smoothies and whatnot is supposed to be good for you.  I don't particularly like smoothies, but I can try.  Our tastes change as we get older, right?

My first smoothie was some cashew concoction.

Kale, coconut oil, coconut flakes, cashews, banana, strawberries, almond milk.  Yuck.  The reason I don't like smoothies is that you have to chew them a little. 

But I tried again the next day.

Strawberries, celery, avocado, apple, beet, ice, coconut water.  Maybe something else?  And this time I got smarter and drank it with a straw so there was less chewing.  This one was pretty good except all I tasted was celery.  I don't like celery.  Yuck.  Maybe next time I'll make it without the celery.

So far I haven't been in love with these smoothies, but I'll keep trying.  Even if I just drink a little I'm getting some nutrients and healthy stuff and eating less calories. 

Why is it so hard to be healthy and skinny and fit?

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Learning Something New

I love working with a coach.  My coach is awesome and perfectly understands my training needs.  However, variety is the spice of life.  Or something like that.  My friends at work are, obviously, pretty good swimmers and are teaching me lots of stuff.  Tonight one of them wrote a workout for a coworker and me.

Many of the drills I had never done.  I'm not very good at butterfly (I got some good instruction on this).  I had never dove off the blocks (I lost my goggles no less than 5 times). 

This workout was tough.  I am so out of shape.  The girl I was swimming with was putting me to shame.  We only made it through half the workout before we ran out of time and the pool closed.  Guess we'll have to finish the workout another time.

What do you do to spice up your training?  What are your favorite non-running workouts?

Monday, August 03, 2015

Physical Therapy

I've been doing physical therapy now for three weeks.  The goal is to strengthen my hip and the muscles surrounding.  My first visit we discovered I have no muscles, which is why I have stability issues and injuries. 

The first week consisted of simple leg lifts and Steamboats (that's my doctor's office in the video).  I also learned some stretches for my cranky hamstring that has been bothering me for the better part of a year.  Those exercises were enough.  My hip area was on fire.  I even had to stop some of the exercises because I just didn't have the strength.  I did those exercises on my own 3-4 times during the next week.

The second week we continued with the leg lifts and Steamboats and added some more exercises.  First was single leg squats with the other leg in front, to the side 45 degrees, and to the back 45 degrees.  That's a LOT of single leg squats, y'all!  Next was a single leg "pencil pickup".  Think of it like those Drinking Birds.  Finally there were hip hikes.

This morning was my favorite physical therapy session.  I was introduced to this:

An anti-gravity treadmill

First they put me in a pair of neoprene shorts, like a wetsuit.  Then I was zipped inside up to my waist.  It fills with air and calculates your weight.  Finally you select the percentage of body weight at which to run and start the treadmill.  I started with a walk which was WEIRD!  I had the treadmill set high, 65%, which was like walking on the moon.  I kind of bounced and there was nowhere to put my arms.  I looked like an old lady power-walker.  After I few minutes I increased the speed and kept doing it every few minutes.  My last few minutes were at a 9:50 pace.  The running felt pretty good.  I didn't have any pain in the area of my stress fracture, but I did have the cranky hamstring and a little bit of tenderness on the outside of my hip area.  With each exercise, though, it is getting stronger and less tender.
I am now doing some jogging outside, although still mostly walking.  I will continue on the Alter G treadmill at physical therapy until I can fully run.  The good news is I'm getting stronger and I'm no longer in pain.  Real running is coming soon.

Saturday, August 01, 2015

July Totals

Is my exercise in July actually worth an entry?  Not really.  I was lazy.  I gained a lot of weight.  I got a job.  I got busy.  The calendar has now turned and I SWEAR I will get back to regularity soon.  Really soon.

Swimming - 3800 yards
After only being allowed to swim with my hip injury, I am just tired of swimming.  3800 yards should be a daily workout, not a monthly total.

Biking - 10.55 miles
Two bike rides.  Two effing bike rides.

Running/Walking - 28.22 miles
This is nothing to brag about, but after weeks and months of no running, it feels so good to get back to it.  I've been doing peppy walks with the stroller and even throwing in some jogging intervals.  I've also put the elliptical machine to work at the Y.

Strength - 1.25 hours

Y Visits - 11
Cost per Visit - $7.76 - I have no idea how I'm going to calculate all this next month when my membership becomes free.  I guess I have to stop counting my visits and only count Anderson and Dave's.  Right?

I'm so glad this month is over.  I'm ready to move on.