Friday, April 23, 2010

Foto Friday

Here's a pictorial of my bike ride yesterday...

First of all, rocking the new Trakkers team bike jersey. My first bike jersey. Crap! Guess that means I'm no longer "just" a runner.

After a warm up and two of four intervals, I decided to meet the pavement personally as I tried to turn my bike around. I suck at turning around. Dave wasn't there to pick me up or laugh with (at) me. I hide to ride back with my bloody knee.

I was supposed to do a run off the bike after I returned, but I realized half way through the bike that Dave had the key to the car and his bike ride was 10 minutes longer than mine--a whopping 5 minutes less than my run. This is how unhappy I was that (a) Dave had the key and (b) that I had crashed my bike...

Alas, there would be no trying out my new racing shoes, the Saucony Fastwitch. Like my fancy laces I put in them? Of course, the racing shoes will continue to be named "The Green Dragons."

Big bike ride on the agenda this weekend. See you on the trails!


Jamie said...

First bike jersey ever? really?! Well at least your first is a very memorable one!

Good call on the speed laces. I'll have to finally invest in some of those this year now that I've got some race specific shoes.

Oh, and is it wrong that I'm mainly excited for a bike ride with an old friend tomorrow because I get to show off my new sweet Trakkers kit? Haha.

Judi said...

you look so cute in your jersey!

Kiersten said...

Bummer about your knee (though the season hasn't started until I've scraped or bruised something...but I am the world's biggest klutz). The jersey looks great on you!