Friday, May 23, 2008

Painting a Picture

I’ve been noticing it around town. It must be late May. All of my former track kids who have graduated and are now in college are back for the summer.

Today I ran into a former graduate at lunch. I sat with her a while and talked to her about school and her plans and running. She goes to a great school, is doing wonderfully there, has a fantastic summer internship lined up, and she has big plan for the future—even running the Marine Corp Marathon in the fall.

I once was in a women’s Bible study where I was the only married woman in it. The other gals talked about their plans to meet and marry their dream guy and live happily ever after. Being the cynic that I am, I brought that dream crashing down. No lie, they kicked me out of the study.

As I listened to my former student today telling about her plans for majors, Peace Corp, and graduate school, I wondered what life will really be like for her in 2-3 years. When I was a sophomore in college I was majoring in mechanical engineering and wanted to become an Imagineer for Disney. There was no room in my plans for husband or serious boyfriend (instead I just kept boys on the side!). But I had this grand plan for the big picture. Now at the age of 30 my big picture is rarely in color and usually the size of a postage stamp.

Often the perception of high schoolers is that they’re slackers and into drugs, drinking, and sex with no respect for anything. I have been so lucky that I have coached the cream of the crop. Sure, kids will be kids, but these were also kids who were taking accelerated classes, got into premier schools, and even had MySpace pages that were safe for the whole family. Their grand plans may be grand in nature, but I would be surprised if they didn’t achieve their big plans.

Honestly, I may never have kids of my own. I’m just not mother material and I don’t have the yearning that most women my age (or younger) do. But, every young woman and young man I have coached has brought something special to me. And to hear them talk about their achievements and their dreams makes me very proud that I could have ever been a small fraction of that. My picture in front of me may be small and dimly lit, but the picture behind me is filled with beautiful smiling faces of those facing their futures. And for them and the impact they’ve had in my life, a small hug and a thank you brings warmth into any picture.

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