Sunday, December 20, 2009

Book List 2009

It's coming to the end of the year which means it's time to reevaluate the past 12 months. One goals I set for myself every year is to read 12 books. I'm almost done with my 12th so it's time for my list.

1. "Talent is Overrated" by Goeff Colvin
Obviously this book didn't appeal to me since I have no recollection of what it was about.

2. "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer
Yes, I'm one of those girls who has read the Twilight books. But, to date, I've only seen the first movie.

3. "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer

4. "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer

5. "Running from the Devil" by Jamie Freveletti
I wrote about this one on the blog earlier this year.

6. "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Browne
Probably my favorite book I read this year. I flew through this in a matter of days.

7. "Losing my Religion" by William Lobdell
I used to follow Bill Lobdell's blog when he was a triathlete. I loved him then; I love him now. I have a lot to say about this book, but it's pretty controversial and very personal to me, so I'd rather not do it on the blog.

8. "The Last Amateurs" by John Feinstein
A little too long, but insightful.

9. "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult
This one made me cry.

10. "Push" by Sapphire
Fast read. One long poem. Fantastic. I'd love to see the movie.

11. "Open" by Andre Agassi
When I was in middle school I idolized Andre Agassi. I had posters of him on my wall. I tried to model my game after his. As he grew up and became the champion that he is, I loved him even more. And after reading this book, Andre Agassi will forever be my athlete hero.

12. "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card
I've been reading this book for the last 3 months. I think it's stupid, but I'm almost finished so I'm not going to stop.

Now, I've got to start making my selections for 2010. With all the training I'm going to be doing it may be hard to read 12, but I love a challenge. Did you read anything good this year? What would you recommend?


jessithompson said...

I must confess that I spent three weeks of my life this year reading all of the Twilight series. Yeah, I pretty much did *only* that for 3 weeks. Uh... what do I say??? It's normal to run through the dark forest giving myself paper cuts looking for vampires, right?

I also read Push and really, really loved it although it was hard, hard, hard to get through. I wish Precious was playing where we live.

My other favorites this year was Beautiful Boy by David Sheff and Tweak by his son Nic. Simply incredible. If you liked Push, I would imagine you'd really dig these.

CJ said...

Sorry no suggestions here, but thanks for posting what you read! I'm very bad at making time to read, blogs and magazines are about it right now.


GetBackJoJo said...

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. I love everything by her, but this was her best, I think.
For running I'd recommend Run Faster by Brad Hudson or Brain Training for Runners by Fitzgerald.

lilash051 said...

jellicoe road by melina marchetta. we had to read it in a literacy class of mine, and even though it's technically a young adult book it is SO good. especially if you love the drama of the twilight series. it's two stories intertwined and you don't understand how they're related until the end. SO GOOD.

Marit C-L said...

Yup - I'm in the middle of the Twilight Saga as well - a guilty pleasure, I suppose :) I actually read "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet, and then its sequel "World Without End". Very very good - interesting. He's a great writer and writes extremely knowledgeably on what wouldn't seem like an interesting subject (medieval church building and architecture). Terrific fiction!

Mark Remy said...

As author of "The Runner's Rule Book," I heartily recommend "The Runner's Rule Book." It's only a few months old, has gotten rave reviews (really), and is a quick read. Also, not for nothin', but it makes a great holiday gift as well, if you're doing last-minute shopping. Check it out!

Gabriel Losa said...

- The Catcher In The Rye (by J.D. Sallinger) is awesome.
- If you want something funnier you can read Good Omens (by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman).
- Or the always great Crime And Punishment (by Fiodor Dostoyevsky)
- What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (by Haruki Murakami) is a book that runners like us really enjoy.

Have a good read!

Greatings from Argentina!