Sunday, January 10, 2010


On the first day of the new year, I resolve to do....not cut my bangs! What did I do on Saturday? Cut my bangs! Here's the thing...I know it would be really convenient for my activities if I didn't have high maintenance hair. But the truth of the matter is, I like my bangs. I think it's finally a hair style that suits me. And I receive more compliments about my hair now than I ever did. (Thanks Mary!) So, resolution number 1 is broken. Who cares?

And, if you didn't notice, I finally broke last year's resolution and did not blog yesterday for the first time in nearly 380 days. It's my own fault. I fell asleep at 9:00 with all the lights on. Bridal shows are so exhausting! The funny part is that I woke up at 11pm and I guess I told Dave that I was ready to get some seriously sleep now. Ha ha!


Karen said...

I am with you on the bangs! I like mine too but for running and that side of life, they really aren't that practical. In the end, I think I will keep them ... :)

D said...

I don't think bangs are high maintenance: clip back for training. Done and done :)