Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

There are so many movies out right now that I'd like to see.  Of course, that's a total pipe dream.  I have a nearly-two year old.  I don't get to go to the movies.  Plus, all the movies I want to see were all nominated for Oscars this morning which means they'd totally suck anyway.  Seriously, Dave and I do not have a very good track record of actually liking the movies that were nominated for Oscars.  Two of the worst movies I have ever seen - American Beauty (what the hell was that about???) and Across the Sky.  Every time a Beatles song comes on the radio that was used in that movie Dave and I just laugh and then say, "remember how horrible that movie was?"  So, even though I'd like to see "The Imitation Game" and "The Theory of Everything" and "American Sniper" and "Unbroken", I think I'll stay home and save my money and time.

What was the worst movie you've ever seen?


Carina said...

Unbroken wasn't nominated and I liked it (though the book was better of course). Stick A with D for a couple hours and go with a friend -- see Unbroken or something else.

middleagedrunner said...

Well, I accidentaly watched some of Skarknado 2 the other day because Eric secretly loves it and yeah, that was the worst movie ever! So bad!

Val said...

Boxing Helena. Hands down.

Jason Bodak said...

"Can't Stop the Music" (1980). Bruce Jenner tries to convince the music industry that the Village People are going to be THE biggest band of the 80s. I am not making this up.