Friday, July 10, 2015

Foto Friday

And I'm back!!!  It's been a great and exhausting week of lifeguard training.  I'll talk about that tomorrow.  Let's get to the continued saga of #100happydays of photos.

Day #33 - Anderson playing at the playground while we were camping.  We only camped one night with the family during the Fourth of July holiday and actually slept on the couch in my parents' trailer.  We had too much to do to spend the whole weekend camping and boy did we get a lot done.

 Day #34 - Happy Independence Day!!

Day #35 - Yep, we got a lot done on our house over the holiday weekend.  We put the mirrors up in the bathroom along with some more finishing touches like towel rings and picture ledges.

#Day 36 - Don't worry.  These weren't plugged into anything.

Day #37 - These two.  (This was not staged.  I got lucky and caught Anderson hugging Sloopy.)

Day #38 - A video!  He's so funny.

Day #39 - Swim lessons.  This was at the very start of class, before he started screaming because he didn't want to follow any rules.
I can't believe I've kept up with this this long.  I'm on a role.  See ya next week!

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