Thursday, May 07, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

After Boston I bought myself a t-shirt from Niketown that said, "Training is the opposite of hoping."  I love it!  I usually reward myself after a good performance and especially after a PR.  Do you reward yourself after some kind of achievement?  And if yes, how do you usually reward yourself?


Val said...

Mine is utterly counterproductive to health, which is why I'm not an athlete of any kind. I reward myself for making it through the day w/out clobbering my kids. Y'know that line from "Miss Congeniality" where she says it's been a rough day and she needs a pint? Yeah, that's me. Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra + some TV like House or Law & Order SVU = me turning back into a human being!

Sara Cox Landolt said...

Love that quote! Rewards are fun! Maybe something new from the event or that I've been craving? Though sometimes it's too practical...