Friday, December 07, 2012

Are We Ready?

The question I get most often is "how are you feeling?"  Ugh.  I think I'd rather have people touching my belly.  I feel fine.  I feel great.  I am having the world's easiest pregnancy.  Next question.  But it won't be long before people are starting to ask, "are you ready?"

Boy, this is a tough question.

For 10 years I screamed, in my head and aloud, "I'M NOT READY!!!"  But at some point you just kind of have to be okay with now or never.   I actually think pregnancy has calmed me down.  I've lost control of everything and really, that's a good thing.  I'm learning to go with the flow and just let things happen. 

The other day I posted a YouTube video on my Facebook wall that just had me in tears.  I mentioned something about not caring if my child was smart, or good looking, or athletic, but I cared if he/she had a good heart.  Our former pastor from church noted that he knew we were completely ready for parenthood.  And you know what, I feel that way.  I am totally okay with what's going on.  Sure, I don't know the first thing about giving birth or how to bathe a child, etc., but I know the type of parent I want to be and I know the type of child I would like my offspring to become. 

So, how am I feeling?  Great.  Stop asking.  Am I ready?  Absolutely.  Let's do this.

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