Sunday, May 03, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Literally and figuratively.

Literally, I'm back in the saddle as I'm doing a super-short triathlon in June and the biking will ensue again.  Honestly, I'm not very happy about it.  You see, I'm pretty much allergic to anything and get contact dermatitis from everything.  These allergies include my bike shorts and biking means dealing with rashes, rashes, rashes.  Thank goodness I work from home and can scratch away without anyone saying anything about my inappropriateness.

Figuratively, I'm back in the saddle as I can finally go back to running this week.  Yay!!!  I love to run.  I have a 5K on the schedule in a few weeks and I think it's going to be fast!

I'm glad recovery time is over and it's time to get training again.


Michelle said...

You're too funny: "can scratch away . . . "

Lindsay said...

i'm in the same boat! well, allergic to everything and always itchy. :( do you take anything for it on a daily or as-needed basis? just curious as mine is still not under control even though i've been dealing with it for my whole life.

good luck with your shorts! :)