Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sink or Swim

Coach gave me a swim today. It was scheduled like this:

300 with every third length drill
200 pull
100 kick on back
150 R:15
200 R:20
250 R:25
300 R:30
250 R:25
200 R:20
150 R:15
100 any stroke

For the last couple of months I think Coach forgot that I liked swimming, so I haven't had ANY swims on my schedule. Finally I asked her to put them back into the schedule. I didn't realize the first one would be 2200 meters.

Here's how the swim really went:

300 every third length drill
200 pull
100 kick on back
100 swim
100 pull
Go home

Yeah, the first swim back sucked. A whopping 800 meters is all I could eek out. I've got a few more swims planned in the next couple of weeks. I hope they go better than today.


B.R. said...

I just saw your blog as I was searching for info on triathlons. I live in Columbus, OH and am interested in participating in my first triathlon. Do you have any info as to how I could go about that? I have been doing some search online and the first triathlon info I encountered is the Ohio State one that's happening in May. They don't provide a lot of specific info, however, i.e., where to register, whether it matters that i'm a first time triathlon participant and such.
Would you be so kind as to give me any info? Or any specific things I should consider as a first time triathlon-er. Or, if you have certain sites that you think I should consider. Basically, any info you might would be great.
Thanks much!!
My email:
I appreciate it greatly,

Lindsay said...

swimming is such a good workout but i can barely make it to the other end of the pool, lol. your 800 is still impressive to me!!